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    1. #1
      moe is offline
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      It's been a while

      It's been a while since I last wrote something on this forum. I hope I am not forgotten. I took a break from trying to lucid dream, and then I got back. I have had some experiences with lucid dreaming and OOBE.

      I am trying to make sense out of my experiences. I am trying to understand my world of dreams. Once I gather enough information I will post it here.

      There are somethings that I have experienced with WILD that were never told on this forum. It might just be that they are unique to me. I also found out that following the instructions written about WILD doesn't neccessarily get you there. Or let me say that the documentation needs clarification for WILD to work faster or smoother.

      I also read some of Laberge's book, and I found it very informative. I should also mention that it gave me better insight into the times I should work on lucid dreaming. I definitely recommend it to everyone who is interested LD.

    2. #2
      Generic lucid dreamer Seeker's Avatar
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      Hey Moe! I wondered where you went!

      Yeah, any info you can give us to help, please share!
      If you have anything you would like put into a tutorial, please PM me.

      Great to have you back!
      you must be the change you wish to see in the world...

    3. #3
      moderator emeritus jacobo's Avatar
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      little mexico
      welcome back.
      clear eyes. strong hands.

    4. #4
      moe is offline
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      I will Seeker. I think I have a few thoughts to add to tutorial. As soon as I finish testing them enough times I will include them. Also, what I would like to add is the fine print when doing WILD. I discovered that for example paralysis comes in two stages, and not one. Another surprize for me was the change in breathing, and the clarity of sounds. I haven't seen people write about these things.

      One thing that people struggle with is the concept of being concious until falling asleep. I tried that, but that only kept me awake. When I started to relax my state of conciousness (I mean to allow for some uncounciousness to be mixed with it) I got much better results. In fact, you have to make a balance between them. Not only this, but sometimes you have try to compeltely deactivate your state of conciousness and trigger it again at the right moment. This helps your brain think you really want to go to sleep.

      Any way.

    5. #5
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      The Matrix... Wishes to: Free DV ....... Bears the truth: What do you think?
      Hey Moe!!!! Glad to see you back!!!

      What you are saying sounds pretty interesting, feel free to post it as soon as you have proved it enough times to be sure...
      If I hadn't made me
      I'd be more inclined to bow
      Powers that be would have swallowed me up
      But that's more than I can allow...

    6. #6
      moe is offline
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      Hey!! Truthbearer glad to hear (read) from you too.

      I will post this information as soon as it feels right. But what I wish is that friends on this forum do the same since they have tons of experience in LDing. What I mean is that they write about their personal experience in more detail. There are lots of things that I have experienced that have never been written.

      We have a category that deals with Attaining lucidity, Another for Lucid Experiences, dream control, but we have nothing on the stage that is in between becoming lucid and the time we perform the rituals that takes us to that stage especially using WILD.

      In this mid stage, between trying to become lucid and becoming lucid in WILD), there are some feelings that we either don't realize exist or we never mention them with enough detail. Take for example, paralysis, breathing, hearing. I know that people do mention them, but they just say the words. They don't give enough details about the feeling asscociated with them. What is it like to be paralized? Does it happen all at once? how does breathing change from normal to fast? how about the sounds? How loud and clear are they? How to avoid being scared from them, and how to accept them?

    7. #7
      Member RedStarSoldier's Avatar
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      The Twilight Zone
      Hey Moe, I remember you it's good to have you back!

      What do you mean about sleep paralysis being in two stages? Like it comes once, leaves, and then comes again? Just wondering, because I've noticed that, too.

    8. #8
      CT is offline
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      heya, moe!
      Cool to have ya back.

    9. #9
      moe is offline
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      Hey guys good to hear from you.

      About the paralysis. I noticed in my case that when it happens it feels as if my entire body shuts down and my thoughts are turned on with complete focus in my head. My breathing suddenly becomes heavy, and I have no control over my breathing. It seems that after my body shuts down my breathing becomes heavy because (it seems) that most of muscles don't work, and only some muscles are pumping air into my chest. It's still not clear to me how this is.

      Although, this paralysis stage is not full. If I choose to come out of it I can easily do that. I just think that I want to get up and full control comes back to my body right away. The second stage of paralysis happens, but but I am not sure when it happens or how it happens. The difference between it and the first stage is that I can't just will it to go. I can't just decide to move my body. I would have to put some effort into moving before control of my body is regained.

      You probably felt this when you had dreams where you either wanted to talk and could not, or you tried to walk but you felt very heavy. In the case of talking I noticed that I my tounge was really heavy, and it would take some time before I can talk again.

      Take some examples of WILD that I have experienced:

      1. I WILDed and felt my body becoming paralyzed. I lost control and started breathing heavily. Then I started hearing sounds. My breathing changed, and I was just about to go into a dream when I decided to stop. Just the thought of waking up brought electricity through my body and I moved fractions of a second after that.

      2. I WILDed another time, and went through the same process. Then I had a dream where I though that it wasn't a dream (false awakening). I saw my bedroom door open, and I heard some noise in the living room. So I decided to get up and check the sound out. I tried to get up but I couldn't, then I tried to shout, but my tounge was heavy. Then I woke up struggling to get back my tounge and body. It took several seconds to get back control. Of course I was surprised to know that I was dreaming.

      Both situations happened several times in different forms (without false awakenings also).


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