(I honestly know that it sounds like I'm bragging, but really I'm trying to ask for advice.)

Over the past 3 days I've had 4 lucid dreams out of absolutely nowhere, doubling my count to 8. I have not been practicing any set method, (except periodic reality checks throughout the day, and reviewing my past lucids at night just in my head, and reminding myself kind of how they felt throughout the day. I guess you could say a little bit of MILDing but no WILDiing or other methods.

I have 2 main concerns

1) Why in some dreams do I know right from the start that it's a dream, and others I am comletely oblivious.
(It's like 2 completely different states of mind.)
2)Is there a way to keep this up? Should I review my dreams, imagine I'm back inside, or any other ideas. (Is there any way to use my past lucids to induce more.

Thank you so much guys, I appreciate your help