Hello, I am still very new to all of this, so you'll have to excuse my ignorance! :p Before I begin, let me first say that because of the information on these forums allowed me to have FOUR recalled dreams last night!! Up until now, I have always struggled to even remember one. This is really amazing, everyone, really. Thank you to you all!

In two of my dreams last night, odd things happened, and it usually ended with someone getting mad at me, or me dying, I think. I don't totally remember, but then I would kind of wake up, but not totally, and go back to sleep and swear i'd redo the dream and have a different ending. The thing is, I am not positive that the original ending actually happened, due to the odd logic of behaviour in dreams. It was like having deja vu in a dream! I don't know what to make of it, if it's good or bad, but it makes remembering the details of the dreams very difficult to recall. Any suggestions on what this could be?

Also another phenomenon like this happened last night but slightly different. Instead of this "dream deja vu" seeming to replace or redo a part of a dream, this type of it seemed to continue a previous section of the dream, but again I'm not sure if it actually happened in the dream, or if I actually dreamed it. This is all very difficult to explain but thank you very much for your time spent reading this!