Like I mentioned in one my previous posts... I have been LDing for a couple of years now and to tell u guys the truth this is how I got introduced into LDing. I believe it is a pretty unique experience and I wish to share it with other ppl.

My Grandma is bigtime into LDing and stuff . She can LD and OBE at will and for those who do not know, one of the major advancements in Yoga is when you can LD and OBE at will. This is pretty much what all that meditation crap means when you hear about Eastern mysticism talking abt discovering urself, coz its ur concisousness that delivers all the messages. Anyway I am not here to preach any religious/spiritual crap. I am a CS scientist and I find all this stuff hard to believe but my grandma has been practising yoga for the last 5 decades and she claims to have achieved all the stages of yoga and is in a state of what she says is complete nirvana. She claims that she can actually see cancerous tumors in other ppls bodies. I personally find this claim quite unbelievable but then she has correctly predicted tumors for like 3 people including my mom, which saved her life, so after that I am kinda confused and have developed a belief into OBE and LDing. So basically my Grandma introduced me and taught me how to LD... I still haven't gotten arnd to mastering the way how she does it... but According to her, in order to master OBE one first needs to master LD (which I am still struggling with... ).
For those interested I can talk more about the relation between Yoga and LDing and OBE, but suffice to say that LDing and OBE at will is arnd the fourth stage of Yoga (there are abt 5-6 stages I am not sure, its been a long time). The normal Yoga about improving the physical condition of the body that ppl normally practise is the advancement towards the second stage (i.e. physical perfection). The first stage is building morality (interstingly very much similar to freeing oneself of the seven deadly sins discussed in christianity)

Anyway my personal best LD experience has been (not flying!) but jumping around . When u LD try jumping about a few hundred metres high and a few blocks in length. Trust me the high that you get when you soar up and (especially) speed towards the ground is a highly rewarding experience.

Do try it guys you will definitely njoy it, trust me (Like I said, I find it to be way better than flying )