Hey everyone, I'm new here.

I hope to major in neuroscience, so naturally lucid dreaming is of paramount importance to me. It is, for all intents and purposes, the framework which our brains lay upon the world to make sense of it - but WITHOUT the world underneath. Massively interesting.

Anyways, I recently had a sort of lucid dream. It was very odd, and I think it merits some discussion. Basically, I started to play a computer game in my dream. Being a dream, I ended up inside the game, running around as if it was some sort of advanced virtual reality program. At this point, I achieved a sort of twisted lucidity. The thing is, I was aware that my 'game' surroundings were not real, BUT I still thought that the dream itself was real. The net result was a sort of temporary lucidity, where I enjoyed the freedom of lucidity at a sort of secondary level within the dream. I don't know if this is a common phenomenon for any of you, but I thought it was very odd.

What do you think?