Last night I watched the move "Waking Life" for the first time. It was an incredible movie that made me think about everything. There was one part where two guys where sitting next to each other and talking about "Holy moments" and it was very interesting to listen to. They were basically saying how god is manifested in everything. Well, of course I had some very strange dreams after that and nearly became lucid but I didn't do a RC (I was driving).

Anyways in the early morning when the sun was just coming up I woke up. I felt very strange and odd. My head was completely clear and I felt very strange. I did a RC and I was awake. I checked my clock twice and it was the same. I was actually awake. Suddenly thoughts just flooded my head. It felt like my brain was being used to figure something out by doing some intense thinking that I had no control over. Suddenly, there was silence and an internal voice in my head very clearly said "I am god." Immediately after that I gasped for air as an incredible sensation spread over my body. It felt like an orgasm multiplied to a great extent. As the feeling passed I blacked out and I saw a face in front of me that resembled Jesus but looked a lot more like an old friend of mine who's name is Mike.

The voice I'm pretty sure was my subconscious talking to me who I've been trying to establish communication with for weeks now. On a few other past occasions I was able to talk slightly with my subconscious and I found out that his name is Mike. I don't think this was a sign from god because it definitely felt like it was coming from my subconscious. I think maybe he was mimicking the scene from the movie.

It felt like a "Eureka!" moment but the feeling that followed was more then just a normal euphoria from realization.

Does anyone have any kind of interpretation or thoughts?