i recently just had my first LD, it was a DILD, and happened because something wasn't where it was supposed to be, i realized i was dreaming and then had the rest of my 30 seconds of lucidity, it was short but sweet.

Then two days ago i went to take a nap, it was around noon, and as i lay on my bed listening to my InnerTalk Lucid Dreaming CD, my body started to get really tingly, and now i realize, i was doing something similar to what Oneironaut_Jeff777 posted about, but i had yet to read his post.
First off i did a bridge exercise, it's kinda like down dog in reverse, for 3 minutes, so my body was fatigued, then i stayed in my bed and thought about nothing, i flopped around a few times and then finally SP kicked in, with trippy colors and all, and it was a little scary, but not that bad, then next thing i know i'm lucid dreaming. Now here's the wierd part, i was in this dungeon/operating room, kinda like something from frankenstein and i was this cobled together monster, i had green skin metal legs and a mandible mouth made of metal, i looked for a mirror to see myself but all i found was a small peice of metal that had a "?" on it. this started to scare me because i thought i had messed up and would be like this a long time, if not forever, but then i calmed myself down and had a false awakening, and i lost lucidity. i told my brother in my dream about my lucid dream, and decided to find an actor so i left, but then my dream became odder still, portortion was all distorted and stairs rose into the heaven, a commercial played in my eyes and a whole landscape vista was replaced by a kid running arounf a christmas tree.

so my question is does anyone else have thier dreams screw up like that? because mine are very much like this waking life, and when i lucid, or after i lucid things become a little sketchy or wierd. Is this lack of control a result from not doing CRs and other stuff? also, has anyone dreamt they were something other than a "normal" human in a lucid dream?