I rediscovered lucid dreaming about a month or so ago, and I was absolutely amazed at the concept and intensely excited about experiencing it again. I have had a few lucid dreams over the years but none in quite a while, and until I began researching it recently I had no joy about it. After falling ill with a rather brutal cold, I took to accepting any sleep I could get and just passing out rather than trying to induce lucidity. I was so sick that I even dropped my dream journalling and have stopped having these great conversations about lucid dreaming with people. It's really sad! To think how motivated and happy I was, and now I'm sort of flatlining.

I know this is common in people who have a stretch of failed attempts, but any suggestions for how to get excited again? I don't know, tell me how great it is!!

Maybe it's a matter of seeking out the sites that present it in a mystical and magical way, or reenforce how brilliant it can be. This might be a good thread to drop here, I'm sad for myself to have lost the joy and it'd be good to assure other n00bs that you can get it back!