I have been wondering, if you speak at least one foreign language, which you are not able to speak very well, and if you know some people who speak it as their native tongue - then if you dream of that person, how well do they speak the language? For example, if you know a person who speaks French, and your own French is pretty poor, then will the French dream character also speak it poorly?

I would test it myself but unfortunately haven't had any lucid dreams in a long time now..

I'm just wondering, if the dream character can speak the language fluently, then it would have some interesting implications. The dream character is created by our own mind, and anything they do originates from us - so if the DC speaks the language fluently, then in theory, the language is stored somewhere in us. More precisely, the memories of the things we have heard being said in that language would be stored. So there might also be ways to reach those memories, or skills, in waking life..

Or if this simply is not the case and the dream characters speak their native tongue similarly to the way we speak their language - meaning that there is no improved memory/skill of the language in us, which we would able to access while dreaming, i would like to know

Also, is it possible that a dream character speaks a language that we have not heard before? The implications of this would also be interesting...

It would be great if any advanced lucid dreamer could try this out!