Has anyone ever had this problem?

Recently,due to a heavy course load, I have been having trouble achieving lucidity. I know its easier to dream recall when youre less tired but I was wondering if anyone lucid dreams when they are tired.

Nowadays I get to sleep at around 4am every night and Im way to tired to use pre sleep techniques and get in my dream mode. I simply go to bed and fall face first into my pillow dreading waking up in 2 or 3 hours.

Sometimes I dont remember anything from the night. Other times I wake up from nightmares.

The worst times is when I begin to dream and I attempt a reality check and it half works. I wake up but I drift in and out of lucidity. Usually my dreams weaves off in another direction and turns into a lucid nightmare.

I think its because im tired. Also maybe because of stress from school.

Anyone else ever have experiences like this?
Anyone have any tips or relaxation techniques I could try out to calm down before sleep?

