Hello All, I'm a newbie, good to meet everyone here. Thanks to you all for sharing your experiences, I've really learned a lot from you!

I had an idea today, perhaps it's already been tried, I'd be interested to know what you experienced LD'ers think: I've been doing RC's in real life, and I've had moderate success with LDs since starting to work on it for the last 6 weeks (3 so far, but short-lived). I was wondering, in addition to RCs, what about trying to incorporate or merge dream life into real life? What if, in addition to asking ourselves IRL all day long, "Am I dreaming?", and doing tests to check (and we already pretty much know the answer, don't we) -- we also try to use dream powers all day long, *expecting* them to work?

It might go like this: I'm sitting in my office, and I just expect I can move an object by thinking about it, and I try it. I'm out running, I expect I can fly, and I leap into the air (okay, hopefully while no one is watching I'm at home and I attempt to conjure a DC. All day, at various occasions, I get myself in that dream-thinking state, and expect that I can exhibit supernatural powers. Of course, they'll never actually occur, but that's not the point.

The point, in theory, is that if you can make RCs a habit and eventually bring them into dream life, then constantly attempting dream powers IRL should eventually manifest itself into dream life. What's more, you're already exhibiting control, and EXPECTING it to work. Instead of checking to see if I'm awake or dreaming, I'd already be demonstrating control, without doubt that I can make whatever supernatural power I'm attempting work.

This seems to me to be a more positive way of thinking too: instead of *asking* the question "Am I dreaming" and having doubt that it's true, now I'm *asserting* that I have powers, and I assume it's true (yes, there may be doubt, but there won't in dream life). Besides trying to bring real life questions into waking life (habitual RCs), you're also trying to draw dream world thinking into real life. So what do you think, has anyone tried this? Anyone willing to try to see if it helps them?

Thanks again!