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    1. #1
      Join Date
      May 2008

      Trying to fall asleep in dream caused intense fear.

      I am an avid lucid dreamer and can achieve lucidity usually after a few nights of preparation and trying. Occasionally I can become lucid on the fly. I have used both the deep sleep method (dream signs in rem after blank cycle) and the falling asleep lucid technique (falling directly into dream state lucid).

      I had a very troubling experience last night which I would like to share to see if anyone else has had something similar happen.

      I was achieving lucidity by remembering past dreams while falling asleep. I successfully entered a lucid state directly into a dream. Descriptions aside, I was exploring a secret hallway at the place I work that led to a library. As I finished exploring the library, I exited into an open field in a night setting. Stars, trees, etc.
      I decided that I would lay down in the field and try to sleep (while already asleep lucid) As soon as I layed down and closed my eyes in the field all my senses were assaulted by what was something like an electric shock combined with a buzzing sound that was startlingly loud. Remember at this point I was fully lucid and aware that I was dreaming.
      For some reason trying to 'fall asleep' while in a dream triggered a shock of some kind. I tried to tell myself to "wake up! wake up!' but I couldn't. I had several false wake-ups (waking up still dreaming once or twice) until I finally woke up for real, goosebumps on my neck, and frightened out of my wits. I was paranoid about being abducted by aliens or having something jump at me from behind the foot of my bed or something- quite edgy.

      Has anyone else had this happen to them while lucid? I believe trying to fall asleep in the dream caused it. I may repeat the process just as an experiment.

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Dec 2007
      Man thats crazy. But don't worry anything can happen in dreams.

    3. #3
      Member Naginata's Avatar
      Join Date
      Aug 2007
      I had a similar experience:

      I had just woken up from a lucid dream and tried to get back in (the chaining thing ).
      It kinda worked. Everything was pitch black, but I felt like I was standing up. It was like a LD without the images. I could hear footsteps in front of me, echoing through a long, narrow hallway. Between me and the other person there was a door (I just knew there was).
      So the footsteps came closer and closer. When they stopped I could hear the big metal lock unlocking and the door went open.
      Still only darkness.
      It felt like there came some sort of wind through the door, carrying a deep fear. I was petrified as it rushed past me. I felt like I was standing in front of the gates of Hell.

      It was so freaky and intense. Terrible, but very interesting. I'd almost want to try in again
      Sanity is a madness put to good use; waking life is a dream controlled.

    4. #4
      The Incompatible aniki's Avatar
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      May 2008
      Quote Originally Posted by Quexal View Post
      I tried to tell myself to "wake up! wake up!' but I couldn't. I had several false wake-ups (waking up still dreaming once or twice) until I finally woke up for real, goosebumps on my neck, and frightened out of my wits. I was paranoid about being abducted by aliens or having something jump at me from behind the foot of my bed or something- quite edgy.
      Was it a feeling of pure panic & horror, unable to move and literally hearing the blood rushing through your veins? Maybe paired with the feeling getting sucked away or down while paralyzed?

    5. #5
      Join Date
      May 2008
      Is it possible you just subconciously got worried that dreaming in a dream was a bad idea and your subconscious mind reacted by making a scary scenario?

      I've never had control of the other characters in my dreams and the reactions to my actions have always been created by my unconscious mind.

      So yea... I'd suggest it's just something you were worried about. If you had an expectation about what would happen then it would likely follow that course; but since you treat it as an experience you leave it to your unconscious mind to choose the path.

      (Or something totally different... it's just what I would guess! Brains are pretty intense. >< )

    6. #6
      Join Date
      May 2008
      I wasn't scheming to fall asleep while asleep at all it just happened through that disjointed dream logic where you do nonsensical things.
      The whole thing that shocked me about it is the electric-buzz because it was totally unexpected, unwelcome, and quite startling. Almost as if doing it was a bad idea and my brain or subconciouss was giving me a knock upside the head for trying it.
      I had no expectation of it at all, this was something that almost seemed to be caused by a third party outside my dreaming which is what got me a bit paranoid. But your right, dreams truly are harmless, as long as you experience them with that in mind.

    7. #7
      The Incompatible aniki's Avatar
      Join Date
      May 2008
      Hey Quexal,

      regarding your buzzing sound...

      I've found something in wikipedia:

      "Experienced qualities vary, and include fear, awareness of a "presence," ... or just an overwhelmingly loud sound, like an inexplicable buzzing or ringing sound."

      Check out this link:


      take care


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