Okay, so I've been consistiently attempting to WILD now for a week or so, and I'm in need of some advice on how to progress.

Every time I try it (at the start of going to sleep, and after having slept for about five hours) I end up just laying there in my bed for an hour or so, counting my breaths up to one hundred (starting over when I get there), but nothing seems to happen.

Early on, I'll hear a small popping in my one ear, and my feet will go cold, and my arms will numb a bit; later I will feel tiny twitches in my feet, back, etc. and I will feel what I can best describe as 'pulses' or 'waves' travelling down my arms every now and then. But then that's just it, I don't see any HI, I don't ever go completely numb or get cut off from the tactile sense that I'm in my own bed. I get frustrated about an hour into my attempt and just go to sleep normally.

I keep a fan on in my room as a source of white noise to mask out other sounds I might hear (cars, etc.) and to keep my room at a comfortable temperature (I live in a temperate area with an upstairs room, so it can get pretty warm without a fan in the summer).

Also, I do sort of know what falling asleep feels like, since I've semi-WILDed (wasn't lucid) before when I was staying at a friends house. I get a sort of buzzing in my head that reminds me of the noise/feeling of a TV being turned on nearby (that electromagnetic 'whine' you hear).

For those of you who regularly use WILD successfully, how long does it take you to do it, and what do you do when it seems that you're going nowhere?