I had a very long dream last night, I't was vivid, actionpacked and I had great recall when I woke up, basicly it would have made a perfect lucid dream, if I had became lucid.
Heres my problem, In the dream I was in a libary, I asked for a book about lucid dreaming, I got the book and sat down and a girl asked me what I was reading about, I started explaining about lucid dreaming and showed her 3 reality checks.
I didnt become lucid, and this fustrates me.

This happens to me all the time, I remember doing reality checks in my dreams and just continuing on in the dream and not being lucid.

Now, the night before I became lucid, about half way through my dream and I didnt even need to reality check, I just realised that I was dreaming, this is how I usualy become lucid.

I have 1 or 2 lucids a week, and manage to wild about once every 2 weeks, but in my dreams I hardly ever become lucid through reality checking anymore, I do a reality check once I become lucid just to confirm its a dream.

So I think maybe reality checking isnt working for me because I am already having lucid dreams at my own pace, and maybe my mind is stoping me from becoming lucid more often than I already am.

Droes anyone know if this can happen? maby theres a limit to the amount of lucid dreams your brain can let you have