first of, people may rememeber me as a pretty big dick on this website. so sorry for all that peeps, im... different now. anyways read this!:

i went for a WILD last night and something cool happened. it was the second time it happened, but it was way cooler this time. just read below:

so last night i woke up at 6 in the morning, i layed there for like 10 minutes thinking about whatver, and then i feel my body start kind of shifting. thats when i have to focus. anyways, so i was concentrating and then i felt my body go into the violent shakei always get going into SP.
i could hardly keep my eyes from opening because it was so intense. it lasted for about literally 5 seconds (may not seem like a lot when u read it, but count right now to 5).
k, so now im consciously in SP. i feel my body just totally stiff. my eyes r closed and i can 'dream see' my arm. i try moving my arm, but it is just motionless. like, its like the feeling when ur in a dream and u cant move even though ur trying to. if uve ever tried moving in SP u know what im talking about. but in my dream vision, my arm is moving all over the place. it was the sickest feeling ever. i wasnt totally in a dream, like i could still feel the pull of SP, but it was like i had the imaginary vision of a dream. it was a really cool stage! anyways, so then i was like lets do some LDing and i went into the dream.

so basically what happened was that i was in SP, my eyes were shut, but i was looking around in my eyes and it was like my eyes were opened. when i tried moving my arm, it wasnt moving, but it was like my eyelids were translating this brain movement into my dream. then i hopped in the dream.

anyone else ever had this before? it was sooo cool and i was wondering if other people have tried this, if not, while in SP, GO FOR IT!! then go lucid.