last night I was very tired so slipping into SP faster than usual, I usually see flashing images at this point, like micro dreams where I slip in and out of consciousness and usual I hardly notice them, but this time the flashing images were flashing slower and slower until i was completely stuck in one and could no longer make myself conscience of the room around me.

I could hear a whooshing sound as the dream formed around me, Ive got this before but this time it was completely sudden and really freaked me out and I started to panic.

I tried to bail out and thought would be able to move my body and wake myself up, but I just started moving in the dream world.
I was in my room and everything settled, did I wake up?
I didn't know, my room was perfectly normal, I convinced myself I had woken up and went to turn on the light.
I seen a flash but the room stayed dark, I did numerous reality checks, all of which proved I was dreaming.

usually this would be a dream come true (sorry for the pun) but I started to panic again, it all seemed a bit too real this time, to vivid, to conscience.
so I tried to wake myself, shouted in the dream (which sounded very loud) spun around, went and asked my dream mum to wake me up, the creepy thing about this was going upstairs again and seeing myself in bed asleep, my mum woke me up in the dream, and my dreamself looked at me, then I woke up.

once I was awake I wondered why did I panic so much? I haven't had the chance to lucid in ages, and haven't been reality checking or going on Dreamviews, so maybe I lost my motivation, I used to have lucid like this when I was a child, also I've been having random panic attacks recently, maybe this was a dream panic attack?