• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
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      Pittsburgh, PA

      A few questions about lucid dreaming.

      Hello, I have been fascinated with dreams for my whole life. In the past 5 years or so, I have been working to control my dreams, but I never even knew about lucid dreaming or dream webpages as such. First I started realizing that I was in dreams and could do... pretty much what I wanted, but I couldn't actually control or change anything. Next, I practiced controlling my dreams for a 4 year period. Finally now I have gained the ability to change my world as I see fit. I can take anything out, make anything appear, haven't mastered flying yet, I can basically do anything. Now, around the time I was able to do this I started becoming "sociopathic" in my dreams without even realizing it! I could care less what I say to... whoever... Or what I did to jack. Does anyone else have this problem? Also, im having a problem with flying. I can float kinda, and move around... But I always end up coming back down or find it extremely hard to keep myself afloat. Does anyone have any tips?

      P.S. A tip for controlling the world. Don't just think, I make this or destroy this. Think "This is going to move to (location) away" Or "I am going to take (object/person) from there, and put it here" Its rather hard just to simply create things without meaning to why they are there. You have to give your mind a valid reason to why that dissapeared or appeared. Or why your surroundings changed.

    2. #2
      Member Alaurast78's Avatar
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      Wow It sounds like you have some awesome skill in your dreams!!! I don’t think you should really have to care about what you do in your dreams. They are your dreams and you are god!!! You can do what you want so I would say don't worry about it.

      As for the flying thing. When I fly in my dreams there is no question in my mind if I can or not. I just can. Do you find that you are questioning if you can or not... do you feel that you can do it or are you kinda nervous? Do you have a fear that you will fall? If so I would just say that you have to know it is going to happen and that you will fly and hopefully you will be successful!!!

      I don’t know if this helps and it probably didn't but well that's my 2 cents

      Sweet Dreams!!!

      Oh yeah, I can't wait to hear about some of your lucid experiences!!!
      Raised By Seeker!!!

    3. #3
      Member Placebo's Avatar
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      Re: A few questions about lucid dreaming.

      First of all - Welcome to DreamViews
      You've made a few good points, and you sound quite experienced already

      Originally posted by vertthrasher
      Now, around the time I was able to do this I started becoming \"sociopathic\" in my dreams without even realizing it! I could care less what I say to... whoever... Or what I did to jack. Does anyone else have this problem?
      Well, it obviously bothers you. A lot of us don't care about others in our dreams, but don't particularly mind.
      Some others of us though, are a lot more worried about that - eg. Seeker and his exciting adventures of lifting carpet stains

      Personally, I get a little twinge of guilt but remind myself that its only a dream.
      I know of a lot of us that also become cold hearted though

      It can be argued that a dream will truly show how you react and feel about a situation when you know that there can't be any of the usual reactions to it. And that could be argued to show your true morality and humanity then
      I'm not sure if I agree yet

      Advice for you? Sorry... can't think of any decent advice on this..

      Originally posted by vertthrasher+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(vertthrasher)</div>
      Also, im having a problem with flying. I can float kinda, and move around... But I always end up coming back down or find it extremely hard to keep myself afloat. Does anyone have any tips?[/b]
      Out of interest - do you have any asthma or respiratory problems?

      You could try a few other techniques... one of which you touched on yourself at the end of your post

      1) Use shortcuts. Basically this involves creating a good reason/excuse for something to happen. Example: You want to fly. So you summon a jetpack, put it on, and take off. Once in the air, you say 'Wait a sec... this jetpack is a figment of imagination! I'm doing it all myself!' - and then simply dispose of it. You could perhaps use something like levitation pills too.

      2) Instead of flying the normal way - try attracting yourself towards objects first. Like the moon/sun. See if that lifts you. Or repell yourself from the earth ?

      3) If you still cant get it right... try taking off with a huge jump. Try jumping incredibly high, and then take it from there. See if that helps


      P.S. A tip for controlling the world. Don't just think, I make this or destroy this. Think \"This is going to move to (location) away\" Or \"I am going to take (object/person) from there, and put it here\"
      Indeed - too much thinking is bad for control
      Well spotted

      Originally posted by vertthrasher

      Its rather hard just to simply create things without meaning to why they are there. You have to give your mind a valid reason to why that dissapeared or appeared. Or why your surroundings changed.
      Yep - this is what I mean by 'shortcuts'
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    4. #4
      Join Date
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      Yeah , i havnt got much dream control etc
      but one thing i can always do is fly .... i like using a rocket pack to get in the air ..... but sometimes i jus start flapping my arms like im a bird and im off !
      Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
      There's still time to change the road you're on.

    5. #5
      Join Date
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      Pittsburgh, PA
      Haha, as for flying. I can like... Give myself a jetpack and fly around. But I mean making gravity 0 for only yourself. If I tell myself that the gravity is 0, everything starts floating around me... and for whatever reason, I can't control it. By flying, I mean, actually floating and moving yourself around as if someone had telekenetic powers and was moving you around. Ehh, I dunno, I will figure something out.

      I have some really really cool lucid dreaming stories if you guys want to hear them. (most of the time it involves something I always wanted to do, or wanted to happen to me.) I don't actually feel bad that I do what I do in my dreams, but its just strange and I wanted to know if I was truely a psycho or something. I guess im just paranoid.

      Also, Does anyone else think that lucid dreaming and the movie "The Matrix" have a strong connection. Everyone is essentially dreaming the matrix, but some people know its a dream and can control the dream. Coincidence... Maybe.

    6. #6
      Join Date
      Jul 2004
      Flying? Here's some information that some ppl have submitted. http://www.dreamviews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6268 I'm hoping to someday (right!) compile a tutorial on flying, but this may offer some tips. Hope it helps

      As to the morality of dreams, if you find yourself doing something in a dream that you realize wasn't right, personall I'd stop and consider it before I did much else, possibly even replaying the scene, but that's up to you.

      Anyway, we're glad to have you here at DV! Hope to see you around and learn from your experiences.


      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."

    7. #7
      Member Negaigoto's Avatar
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      one of these days i'm going to have to hear about the bottom of this carpet stain story... i usually just end up putting cars back, and anything vaguely unlawful, i can never seem to do... though the ppl immediately around me have no such problems and help me immediately at a mere thought that ranks of distress from me...

      but wow, you've got control... *is envious* even before i quit dreaming way back, i was often lucid, but i've never had control...
      Life is a lust,
      Love's a kind of dust,
      Hope's an age-old feud,
      And both Angels and Demons are allowed to brood.

    8. #8
      Party Pooper Tsen's Avatar
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      Just curious, how often do you have control in your dreams?

      Anyway, like everybody else said, you could summon jetpacks and stuff to help you fly, or you could grow wings. I prefer wings because it's funner to fly with them than it is to fly without them...
      [23:17:23] <+Kaniaz> "You think I want to look like Leo Volont? Don't you dare"

    9. #9
      Member Placebo's Avatar
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      Around the bend
      Originally posted by vertthrasher
      Also, Does anyone else think that lucid dreaming and the movie \"The Matrix\" have a strong connection. Everyone is essentially dreaming the matrix, but some people know its a dream and can control the dream. Coincidence... Maybe.
      Nope, no coincidence.
      The Wachowski brothers are lucid dreamers apparently. And they drew a lot from Buddist and Tibetan ideas. And Tibetan dream yogis use lucid dreaming as a means to enlightenment
      Tips For Newbies | What to do in an LD

      Unless otherwise stated, views expressed in this post are not necessarily representative of the official Dream Views stance. Hell, it's probably not even representative of me.


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