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    Thread: psychic dreams

    1. #1
      Join Date
      Nov 2004
      down under.. but alas you people dont have the correct time zone for me! meh!

      psychic dreams

      good morning all.

      i am 14. i know it sounds crazy but i have psychic dreams.. it doesnt happen every night but every week or so i dream something that actually happens..

      it started when i was about 5.. my family n i went on a holiday in aus and we visited the dog on the tucker box (a town legend in country sydney). i dreamt about the dog floating on a wooden box in mud. it was kinda bogged. i just remembered this dream recently and i researched the legend. and it appears the dog sat on the tuckerbox guarding it while in a bog!

      when i was 8 i dreamt how to pass a level on a game. it was true
      there are bits n pieces in between all this but nothing major until this year i guess.

      you know those weird things .. like scribbles you have to draw without lifting your pen off the page? i can never do this square with a cross through it and a triangle on top. i woke up at some untimly hour and my toe was tracing a shape on my other leg. i got up and grabbed eyeliner and drew it on a piece of paper... it was the scribble i couldnt draw! now i can draw it all the time.

      there are heaps more but im giving you just some examples.

      also the most recent was last night - i dreamt my mum and my sis went to get the balloons for her 21st next sat.. like choose the colours etc. n this morning they left a note to say thats where they had gone.
      when my mum was telling me to guess the colours they got i said silver nred and it was right.

      i also sleep walk nearly every wk.

      im kinda amazed n also naturally, freaked, so any replies trying to explain this madness would be great!

      ~grunge is dead~.. cos kurt is dead~

    2. #2
      Member Damascus's Avatar
      Join Date
      Aug 2004
      hey there again!

      What you describe there is strange, people could put it down to coincidence, but there is quite some evidence to support that you have psycic dreams.

      I seem to remember that ShadowNightWing's sister had psycic dreams like you, maybe you can PM him with some questions?

      but yes, that is weird, and if you keep a dream journal then maybe you can nurture what you have there, and remember more dreams. That would help you remember any psycic dreams you might have that night.

      Im sure your lucid dreams would be interesting if this is true, and id be interested to see what a psycic dreamer can do with lucid dreams-perhaps predict at will?

      Next time you have a LD, try SHOUTING in your dream 'SHOW ME SOMETHING THAT IS TO HAPPEN SOON'

      and tell us how you get on with it. sounds like a helluva lotta fun!

    3. #3
      Member Alaurast78's Avatar
      Join Date
      Mar 2004
      Somewhere between here & there...
      Hello grungeisdead and welcome to Dream Views!!

      It sounds like you have an awesome power! I also have psycic (precognitive) dreams but not to the extent that you do. Mine are not as often and seem to be about more disastrous events. I also don't always get exact details of the even and they often happen months to years after my dream.

      Embrace you dream skill and like Damascus said... keep that dream journal and you may start to see paterns. Let us know how it goes and feel free to PM me if you have any questions or want to trade stories!

      Sweet Dreams
      Raised By Seeker!!!


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