Hey, well this is my first post! Hi, hello, my name's Dylan... as you can see. Haha alright, moving on.

I have never written down my dreams. I dream every night quite vividly and I always remember my dreams when I wake up. I usually think about them for a bit and try to play them out in my mind again, but I end up getting distracted and forgetting about them. The funny thing is, I'll remember my dreams months, even years later... and not by any particular method. They just *pop* into my head. Now, when I remember one dream another one follows, and then I remember another, and then another. I always remember the locations of the dreams, occasionally I'll stop and dig deep and try to remember what was actually happening in the dream (just like my dream locations, when i remember one event WITHIN a dream, i'll remember another, so i can usually pretty much remember most of the dream if i try hard enough) but most of the time I just "flow along" from dream to dream.

It's really exciting actually, extremely comforting at the same time (gives me chills!)... because these are "my places" you know, and they are as real as other memories of actually places. I occassionally have a hard time figuring out which memories are real and which aren't. Haha, but that's beside the fact. Anyway what I noticed, is that I always remember my dreams in a pattern. After one dream, I will always, or at least usually, remember the next specific one. It would have been neat if I had recorded these dreams to see if there is some kind of pattern in the connection of dreams.

Now, what I've also noticed is that not only do the dreams connect in the order which i remember them, but they also actually connect together as continuations of space, creating a sort of map. Sort of like squares. It's not simply linear though, and perhaps this explains how my dreams can connect with more than one, as a square on a map has not only 1 continuation of space, but 4. Keep in mind these dreams are years old, and now I can't remember which dreams are older or newer... they just "connect" together.

I have made several mental maps... and the strange thing is, a few of these maps very very clearly resemble various places I have grown up in. Though often extremely altered in time (ex, middle ages, 19th century, modern day, etc.), perspectives, and relative distances, the overall shape of certain dreams put together (like a puzzle perhaps) resemble these places surprisingly well.

I just thought this was neat and wanted to share it. Has/Does anyone else here done this?
