My cousin visits the SomethingAwful forums and found a post there about a weird lucid dream experience for this one guy.

Originally posted by Pro-PRC Laowai
About 3 years ago, I got into a state where lucid dreaming was incredibly easy, as in every night. It just sort of happened. I didn't need a cue anymore, it was an immediate reaction that it was a dream. After about a year of it, it started to get boring. Dreamtime is one of those things where your imagination runs wild. I started to use it instead to work on things in real life, figuring out crap for assignments, etc. Dreaming that you are coding is possibly the worst dream ever by the way. Getting into dreams turned into more of a task of just continuing where I left off the night before. This is about where it all went downhill for me. The dreams were boring, the dreams were short. I started to let go of the control and strive for reality. The dreams became sort of hyper-real, and longer than they should be. This reached a peak about a year and a half ago that screwed me up a lot. Have you ever had a dream (that you remember) where it was not some abstract length of time, but rather incredibly long? My fun ended with a 2 week stretch of continual dreams that were as real as \"reality\", just that the people in them were not from my daily life, they were dream people who I had never seen before or knew, but they were there. I had dreams that literally lasted years in one night, would wake up and not know what the hell was going on. The worst was that I would remember the dream in full. I went through somewhere around 40 years in this dream time. Finished college, finished a graduate degree, had real life problems associated with it the whole time, got a job, moved, got married, had kids, had a life going on for all intents and purposes. Then, I wake up and I am still in college, and have to continue on with the drudgery of such life. The worst part was that it wasn't a dream with sudden time jumps, it was day by day, hour by hour. Complete with times of boredom and waiting for the bus. My good friend alcohol finally cured this. Dreamless sleep was a godsend. Now, I have dreams again, some of them lucid, but I keep control and exert it.
Jesus christ.

Has anyone here ever had that?!
