• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Jun 2009

      Dream RC reminder?

      I am going to search for a website or program that will allow me to set an hourly soft tone/beep on my computer to help me remember to RC.

      Anyone already know of one? I know there is a possibility that my computers clock/alarm function could be made to work like this, I'll be sure to post anything I find.

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Feb 2008
      Banhurt made one, I'm pretty sure. Link in my sig.

      Also, I don't get why you want to depend on an external source to tell you when to RC. The entire point of RCing is that you don't rely on what your dream tells you is real or not. Sure, you'll get a lot of RCing done in real life, but how often are you on your dream computer? And how often is that dream computer going to tell you to RC?

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Jun 2009
      Thank you for the link, My intention is simply to set my computer to beep and leave it on near my bed when i sleep as an external reminder, maybe just being confused as to why I hear a beeping noise will induce an RC. I didn't mean that I use my computer in a dream.

      I have had a few lucid dreams simply through the RC and awareness methods, I'm simply looking for anything that might help induce a LD. Its always worth a try right? Until I find something that helps me reach a level of a few LD's a month I might as well see whats out there

      Thanks again for the reply


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