I've had this recurring dream since I was about 7 it was about me being paralyzed and staring up at the ceiling at my light which was sort of pulsing and talking, although I can't understand it. I can't turn my focus away and I can't speak, the dream can last for ages and freaks me out. Sometimes it is triggered by an unrelated dream, though I now realise it's a dream I hold my breath to remove myself from it.
It sounds alittle like that sleep paralysis thing (or at least the initial one may have been), though the repetitive nature could suggest it is an actual dream.

I also have had dreams that have had me staring at the wall near the bed, or across the room, and I'm unable to move and all that. I cannot release myself unless I hold my breath again. My eyes do seem to be open (but whether they really are is a mystery). Most of this seems to happen closer to dawn.