Has anyone here tried Salvia?

Salvia is a plant used by The Maazteca Shamans here in Mexico for centuries to induce astral travel, lucid dreaming and other mystical states of consciousness.

If you smoke salvia you will pop right out of your body. In fact, smoking it is too intense. I don't recommend smoking it because you pop out of your body so fast that it can be very frightening. The peak experience is also too short to get any substantial lucid experience from when smoked.

The shamans would make a tea out of salvia leaves or roll leaves into quids they could chew on for hours. Using quids or tea produces an incredible interdimensional experience. The effects are felt in 10-15 minutes and the peak occurs around 20-30 minutes. The peak lasts for 30-45 minutes and this peak experience is when you can become fully lucid.

So imagine being fully lucid for 30-45 minutes and being able to control the experience. It can seem like hours or days because you do not experience time in the dream world.

If anyone tries salvia, I suggest getting it directly from the source....nature.

There are alot of companies selling extracts online but you never know what is in the extracts. Most are made with grain alcohol and nobody regulates the processes they use to make it.

You can make tea out of the leaves and drink it and lay down and get fully lucid. Some people complain about chewing the leaves because as you begin to get lucid you can start drooling on yourself or even choking and it interrupts the experience and makes you wake up.

Salvia incense works very well too. To make salvia incense you roll enough leaves together to make a smudge stick the same size as sage. You go into a closed room and burn the smudge stick so the smoke is so thick you can barely see. Then you lay down and breathing in the smoke naturally will induce lucidity gradually.
