I don’t know whether this topic has come up before, but does anyone have any theories about why recurring dreams, especially ones that don’t seem to carry any significant meaning, occur? As a child, I had the same flying dream probably several times per month at the most frequent. It was quite realistic, as far as I can remember, and consisted of me getting out of bed, walking downstairs, through the front door (I remember this part because every time I’d worry about setting off the alarm if I opened the door), down the porch steps, and out onto the lawn, at which point I would extend my arms, spin around and lift into the air like a helicopter. I’d go up maybe three or four stories into the air, then come back down again and go inside and back to bed. Although I did enjoy the sense of freedom and flying, that dream seems too mundane to warrant such frequent recurrences. A recurring dream of a traumatic or ecstatic moment, meeting someone you care deeply about—that sort of thing would make sense because it would make such a strong impression on the mind. But hovering in the front yard in the wee hours of the morning? If anybody has given this topic any thought, I would appreciate hearing your theories.