Most of us get "dry spells" or periods in which we have trouble having lucid dreams. We also sometimes suffer from poor recall and other problems that hurt our lucid dreaming progress.
I am going to post a few tips that helped me through problems with lucid dreaming. It would be great if you could post some too. Not only do I want to know more ideas for getting out of dry spells, but I also think it would be helpful to others.
Here are my 3:

Tip 1: Go To Bed Earlier

Even going to bed half an hour earlier gives you more time to fall asleep, and in my case has helped me improve my recall, enjoy up to 3 dreams (at least one of them lucid) and wake up rejuvenated the next day. Its amazing what going to bed earlier can do for you. If you are getting rusty try this method.

Tip 2: Promise Yourself

Promise yourself that you will have a lucid dream soon and believe it. I can’t be sure if it helped, but the first thing I did after adopting Lucid_Dreamer.exe was promise him he will have an LD. The following day he had one (although I imagine this was mostly thanks to all the hard work he’s been putting in). Confidence is the key.

Tip 3: Revise Your Technique

If your usual method of lucid dreaming has gone to poop, try revising your technique. If you have written down a guide of your lucid dreaming method, revisit it and read through it again. Its possible you’ve been forgetting something. When I revised my technique I discovered that I had been forgetting an important step - clearing my mind. The next night after adding this step back into my lucid dreaming routine, I had an LD!

What are some others?