So I have thought about some things I will do when I really tune in on this ability... what do you guys think about these, and have any of you experienced these things...

() Talked to deceased loved ones
() Re-Live past experiences, such as events as a teen, toddler, so on.
() Visit your old house, old town, as it used to be before changes
() Visit your friends/family in the current moment, attempt to make your presence known
() Seek out a highly intelligent dream character - converse with and, ask questions about things you want to know, how to's, the past, present, future, and so on..
() Seek yourself out in the past and talk to a younger version of yourself.

It seems there is so much you could do, and it seems limitless.. from what i can tell, people debate whether these experiences are merely just dreams or whether you are actually manipulating some spiritual space.. I guess there is only one way to find out... What do you guys think about these things..