I recently had a renewed interest in dreams (Yeah....Inception I'll be honest). I showed interest in this subject a few years ago but would never remember my dreams. So recently I actually looked into it, and was taken to this site. After looking into dream recall I have remembered my dreams (even if only small bits) three out of the four nights. And on the night I didn't remember I went to sleep severely inebriated, so I knew before hand that I would most likely not remember.

This morning was easily the coolest dream experience I've ever had. I woke up at around ten o clock on accident (I work late and don't have early class, so I usually wake up pretty late) and decided it'd be easier to remind myself to remember my dream than usual since I knew I'd fall back asleep soon. I continued to tell myself "I will fall asleep and have a dream, and I will realise I'm dreaming and remember it" and things along those lines. I'm feel as if I was lucid the entire time, I the thought in my head and feel like I went from being awake right into being lucid.

I've had a few lucids spread out over my 18 year life, but usually there was a moment when I realised it and went from regular dreaming to lucidity, this was more than that I felt. Unfortunately I tried to do TOO crazy of things and lost the dream immediately. As I could tell I was losing the dream I decided to hit someone in the face out of curiosity to see if they'd fight back. They did, they crushed me.

So now here I am, another new member. I want to keep exploring the dream world and work on holding onto my lucid dreams for longer.