This is my first post to this board. I have been intresting in lucid dreaming for a while not probably about 4 years. It was a few months ago i became lucid in a dream and imediatly woke up. It has never happened again until last night. I woke up in the middle of the night and was thirsty as hell, i went and got some water and went right back to bed. I then started having this really weird dream. I was sleeping and i woke to the noise of someone coming in the window. It was this man holding this huge gun looking thing, he had these huge goggles on his head and he was shooting this liquid on my and my girlfriend. I got extremely pissed and went out the window only to find he had about 10 other people with then. I kept asking them what they where doing and no one would tell me anything. i keep following them around asking them what they were doing and who they where with. I finnaly got a name of the organization and a phone number. I then stole on of there cell phones (they didnt notice) and they all got in there cars and started to leave. I was still cluless to what was going on (i thought i was awake). The last car to pull out was this very small "mini" type car. I stoped the car and started asking all the same questions to the girl that was driving, she told me my friend trey would know, then drove off. At this point i knew something was up, i kept thinking to my self "man this seems like a movie" All of a sudden it is dark and i see another car drive up, i go out side and 4 guys get out all wearing motorcycle helmets (in a car). They come over to me and start harrassing me about the cell phonee, they said they knew i had it, so i just gave it back to them, it made them very happy and they asked if i wanted to join their organization. In order for me to join i had to take this drug called DST that the handed to me in a syringe with no needle. They said they would get back to me after i did the drug. The next thing i know i am walking though my grandparents house straight to the bathroom, i start peeing and looking at the floor. the floor is really dirty, i start thinking "my grandmother would never let the floor get this dirty" Then it his me ,I AM DREAMING. I remember getting really excited and thinking i can do anything i want to do. I walk over to the door and make the door knob stretch out really long and start moving. I then walk out the bathroom in to the hallway and start running, jump and fly into the kitchen. I start jumping really high and do forward flips and back flips like 30 feet in the air. I woke up shortly after that. It was so amazing, it felt so real, i have never experienced anything like it before.

I am going to start using some of the techniques i have read about in this board, i want to have a lucid dream every night.