I've never had much luck with luicd dreaming in the past. I'd get to the point where I would realize that I was dreaming, and just wake up instanly. This has happened on several occasions. I've been working especially hard at it lately, and I think I might have had my first one last night, but maybe not. It's kind of convoluted.

I dreamed I was in a hospital bed trying to get to sleep. I've never been in a hospital bed, so that probably helped me out. My dream self fell asleep and dreamed of being diembodied in a weird kind of abstract space. It's hard to describe, but it was like living in a printed page where the words are real objects and moved around. That's the best I can do. It was pretty messed up.

All of a sudden it hit me that it was a dream, and I was happy that all my efforts had paid off. I didn't have much time to play around because after a few moments I became aware of my body, and felt my glasses slipping down my nose (I was asleep on the road when this took place, and really did have my glasses on). I wondered if I would wake up if I tried to push them up, and went for it.

When I did, I woke up in the hospital bed and then some other stuff happened that wasn't very nice. Eventually I woke up for real (Or did I? ) and remembered it pretty well. I'm not sure if I went lucid, or if my dream self did. What if I had had more time to experience it, and even though I recongized that I was dreaming, still believed myself to be in the hospital bed?

Whatever I had, it was a step in the right direction, and I hope to take another soon.