The first time that I am aware of ever having a lucid dream was when I was about 12. I had woken up after realizing I was dreaming and was in a state of paralysis. I had thought that something was wrong with me for the longest time until years later I cam across a dream book in which the author described pretty much the same thing I had experienced, introducing me to Lucid dreaming.

My problem is that even now, I will randomly fall into this state of paralysis (not having tried to induce lucidity) and even though I know that my body is in no harm, I can't breathe. I can feel myself not being able to breathe. I don't know if this is me holding my own breath from being in a state of panic, but during the moment, I feel like my brain is shutting down my organs and if I fall asleep my lungs will cease to operate and I'll pretty much just suffocate. I try to force myself awake, but I can't- which makes the breathing even worse. I try to scream but nothing comes out. It's just horrible.

It wouldn't be so bad, if these events occured from me trying to experience Lucidity, if that were the case I would just stop trying, it's that bad. The problem is that this happens without my will or control or anything. Is it possible to slip accidentally into a lucid state, and this often? And how can remember to breathe or just stop the paralysis?

Please, help. I'm almost afraid to go to sleep every night, because I never know when it might happen.