My name is Sean and I've recently committed myself to achieving lucidity in my dreams. I've had them before as a child and I've been interested in them for a long time. I've only recently begun trying because for a very long time I was a chronic heavy user of marijuana. During ask that time I almost never even remembered dreaming. I had a family tragedy very recently that completely changed my life's priorities and goals. Since I quit smoking I've had vivid dreams almost every night and I've been writing them down in a dream journal. I've been doing daily reality checks and even finding time to practice breathing meditation. Each entry in my journal has been getting more and more detailed as I remember more and more. Last night I decided to try to go to sleep listening to isochronic tones. It seemed to be doing everything I'd read they should...heavy yet tingly legs, pulses and swirls of light in my eyelids, dizziness...etc. the one thing I couldn't do was fall asleep. I felt like I would be about to go somewhere, maybe entering a dream, but my heart rate would speed up and I'd snap totally awake, almost afraid that something bad was happening. After the entire track had ended, I took off my headphones and was finally able to drift off to sleep. The result, my first night of zero dream recall since my journey began. I'm still waiting on some of my ordered literature to show up for more guidance, but I thought I'd come here to introduce myself and see if anybody on here might have some thoughts or ideas about how to continue my progression. Thank you in advance to everybody and I look forward to talking with you.