Hello everyone,

I am an old hat at forums and online message boards etc but new to the concept of Lucid Dreams....and what an interesting concept it is!

I am looking forward already to flying out in to space to watch a star implode or a galaxy be born, but I guess that is likely to be further down the road.

Anyway, I have read this sites guides to lucid dreaming from begining to end, as well as a few other and started my Dream Diary last night before I went to bed. Following a day of constantly reading, thinking and getting excited about the idea of Lucid Dreaming I woke in the middle of the night and remembered my first dream. As I am someone that doesn't very oftern remember my dreams I can only assume this is a good start!

At this stage I am putting together a dream diary and learning to recall my dreams rather than shooting for Lucid dreaming straight off. If anyone has any tips on techniques that are out of the ordinary or that I am not likely to have read already from a good several hours of internet research then I am all ears.

Nice to be here, thanks for listening!