One thing that happened to me the day i joined these boards, i was constantly thinking about deaming. Every night when i was going to sleep, i would tell myself that i would remember my dreams. It worked for about a week, and i would write my dreams down, first on a notepad i kept by my bed, but then i started typing them. But after that, i sort of started slacking of, and i can't remember any of my dreams. I know that i have them, i just can't recall any.

Sleeping at a friends house though, i did manage to remember a dream, and it was kinda lucid. A first since i found out what lucid dreams are.

It's funny, i don't remember anything that took place before hand, but i remember going lucid when i was walking down a street with my girlfriend. I realized that i was dreaming (not sure how). And then i started feeling like i may wake up. I remembered about dream spinning, and i quickly convinced my girlfriend to do it with me. I asked her where she wanted to go, she named a place and i grabbed her and we spinned. We did get moved somewhere, and i think it's the place she wanted, i have no idea where it was. We walked into some restaurant, where a 7 fingered man got all my attention, and that's where the dream ended.

What can i do to help me with my dream recall? I am not keen on the idea of setting my alarm clock to go off every 2 hours at night.