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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Jan 2006

      Series of lucid mini-dreams last night

      Hi everyone,

      I just had a really memorable experience last night, and thought I'd like to share it, as well as ask for some any advice on how to proceed...

      First off, I'm not really familiar with lucid dreaming, as I've only started searching on the web about it today. (though I knew the term, so I must have heard it sometimes years back in college or something).

      Anyway, here's what happened. Last night, at about 4 AM, the 2 new kittens I've adopted started getting really rowdy and wrestling on my bed. I ended up grabbing them after about 5 minutes of this, and locking them in a room downstairs,

      When I went back to bed, I was laying on my back, with my hands kind of clasped across my chest under the covers when I felt an animal jump up on my bed, and walk over me. I thought to myself "no way they got out of there" as I reached for, and grabbed the cat (which immediatly started purring). I was amazed at the unlikelyhood that It was back upstairs, but was also glad my initial fear that a squirrel or something had gotten into the house (ha ha) was unfounded. Anyway, I was trying to reach the lamp to turn it on, when suddenly, the cat was gone, and my hands were back under the covers clasped across my chest.

      I figured out in seconds that I had been dreaming, and that the cats were still locked downstairs. So I closed my eyes to go back to sleep, and within just 15 seconds or so, I felt a cat jump up on the bed again. Well, this time, I was thinking, you've got to be kidding, I thought I just established that it was a dream! So I grabbed it, and just petted it for a bit. Eventually, I decided to get up, and take it downstairs, and suddenly...it was gone, and again, hands back under the covers, etc.

      I swear this happened like 4-5 times with little change, but somewhere in there, I ended up accepting that I was dreaming the cat while it was actually happening. So then I figured, if I'm dreaming, I'll try to change stuff. I actually had a little success in this, things like making another person present, and being somewhere else (though more often than not it came out differently than what I was trying to make happen).

      After the first 4-5 episodes where I didn't figure out I was dreaming in the dream, I must have had another 6 or 7 where I knew I was dreaming. They all started the same, with the unlikely cat, and they were all VERY short. Just a minute or two of perceived dream time before I woke for a few moments in the exact same position I started in.

      It was a facinating experience, and one that I've never had before.

      I'd love to have these more often, but was a bit frustrated by how short they were. Is it normal to have series of these coupled with a few moments waking? Any idea what could have triggered this? I'm 33, and I guess I would have thought that if I would ever have a waking dream like this it would have shown itself already. I'm going to try to duplicate this again, I'll probobly even kick the cats out if I wake up in the middle of the night whether they're being irritating or not

      Hope the post wasn't too long. Any insights or suggestions would be very welcome.


    2. #2
      Join Date
      Jul 2004
      *glares at cat-haters* Ha! Cats can induce lucid dreams!

      *end rant*

      Anyway, welcome to DV. We're glad you're here.

      I'm thinking that the when the cat woke you up your mind was prepared to go back to sleep, however you were probably still thinking about the cats. I'm just making assumptions, but that may have caused you to start out with a lighter sleep. Then, when you had the dream about your cat and woke up knowing that it had been a dream, you probably continued in a lighter sleep state, making it more probable for you to wake and also be lucid when you were sleeping.

      I may be wrong, but based on what I read that's just my assumption. I'd be interested to hear if you became lucid again, though.... and if you had pictures of the kitties.


      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."

    3. #3
      Crazy Cat Lady Burns's Avatar
      Join Date
      Aug 2004
      Welcome to DV - and congraduations on your new kittens! Don't worry, they will get less rowdy as they get older - usually they start to learn what "bedtime" means. And if they are sleeping nicely on your bed, don't kick them out of your room - then you're confusing them about what is good bedtime behavior. Ok, I'm done with the cat info - I just couldn't resist since I work with cats all day long.

      Anyway, aren't false awakenings cool? It really does throw you off, though. I've had dreams that I've been really thirsty, so I wake up and go get a drink of water. Then I wake up and realize I never got out of bed. It's very strange.

      Make sure to write all these down in a dream journal. Usually just keeping a journal will increase your recall, therefore making your dreams seem longer than you thought.

      Good Luck (and let me know if you have any other probs/questions with the kittens!)


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