hi, this is my first post at these forums i've tried to do enough research before posting so i dont' get flamed. anway i have had about 5 or 6 WILD dreams, i never knew what a lucid dream was or what a WILD was until i found this site a few days back. i can't controll when they come but they just do, sometiems when i'm sleeping during class , or at night, but very rarly. like it says in the guides i get those vibrating feelings before entering the dream. so i guess my question is how can i make it so i can have these dreams whenever i want and they dont' just come to me every so often? in the 5 or so that i have had they have all ben different, 2 where OBE's, one i had complete controll over and could do anything, and the other 2 where scary because in both of them somone appeared in my dream and took controll from me even though i was lucid. another questoin is , is it possible for me to have normal lucid dreams instead of these WILD kinds? sometimes the vibrating starts and i try to get out of it cause it is so scary and my head starts vibrating and i realy dont' like it. thanks.