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    Thread: Hello.

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Jun 2006


      Hello there.

      I recently stumbled upon this web site though the StumbleUpon extension for FireFox (wonderful tool for wasting time as effectively and entertainly as possible). As I read about lucid dreaming, I only wanted more and more to start having them. But my dream recall is low, though I was woken the next morning during a very... entertaining dream I could remember rather well. I've always felt that new, different experiences make for a well rounded person, to the point that I even considered LSD once, though not any more. I read the main site in segments for a few days and I feel that the next step is to join here. What's the #1 peice of advice for a person who's never experienced/remembered a lucid dream, other than a dream journal?

    2. #2
      Senior Pendejo Tornado Joe's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jan 2005
      Rock n Roll Capital
      Hi Ari,

      Other than a dream journal you might want to read up just a little bit more on the subject. Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming by Steven LaBerge is pretty much the bible of lucid dreaming. Not only will you learn about the process of lucid dreaming and techniques - but reading up on the subject before going to bed is very likely to help induce a lucid dream. It just gets your mind "in the mood", specially for first timers.

      You might also want to choose a technique and stick to it for a few weeks (MILD seems to be the most recommended). You'll find many others on the Tutorials section.

      Any other specific questions you can PM me or any of the staff for further help. Looking forward to hearing about your lucid dreams


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