Hi. I'm a high school student in Kansas City. I heard about this place in a discussion about lucid dreams on some other forums, I forget which, and it got me interested. I've had completely lucid dreams before, but not more than a handful in my memory. Generally my dream recall sucks, but I think I'll blame sleep and bad sleep habits. A little bit of sleep depravity in the school year and during the summer my sleep pattern is irregular due to summer weights for football making me get up at 6 in the morning four days a week, and actually staying out and doing stuff nights when I don't have to deal with that. Then sleeping in.

Anyways. I'm a musician, I play guitar, violin, and I'm planning on learning electric bass. I do some journalism stuff at my high school, a lot of music reviews and sports writing. I play football, but I'm not that great. I also play tennis, and that's just for fun. Home life... heh. It's a little stressful, and I'll leave it at that for now.

So that's some stuff about me and stuff that I guess will shape how I dream. And Hi everyone