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    Thread: Hiya!

    1. #1
      Trying to be helpful Leixor's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jul 2006


      Hiya. So i'm new around here and thought I would introduce myself. First a little bit about who I am. (Wait who am I again? ... just kidding!) I am 22 years old and I live in this really lame town where there is absolutely NOTHING to do. Well nothing to do involving other people anyway. Heh most of the people in my town are short sighted, closed minded and stuck up. I'm actually in the process of trying to move to a different state but that keeps falling through. Nevermind that, you didn't come here to hear about my problems did you? (I hope not ^^) My hobbies include just about anything computer and electronics related. I am a geek hehe. I play a lot of video games, though less so lately because I have been too busy. I am currently in college taking a degree called PC Support and Administration, however I recently got a letter notifying me that they are no longer going to offer that degree though I can finish it if I like. I love listening to music of all kinds, and when I say all kinds I mean ALL kinds (well except country...) My current favorite songs are:

      Nickelback - Savin' Me
      Anna Nalick - Breathe(2AM)
      Crossfade - Cold
      BarlowGirl - Never Alone
      Advent One Winged Angel - Composed by Nobuo Uematsu (AKA Sephiroth's theme)

      OK I gotta stop now or I'll list every song I can think of. I love just about all music. Everything from pop to rock to rap/hip hop to classical and operas. Another "hobby" I have is that I love to learn. I am not content in just living in the world around me, I want to know how everything works. I have been known to spend 8+ hours just reading encyclopedias and stuff. OK I suppose that's enough about me. Now for how I got here. I've always had what I would consider pretty good dream recall. It is a rare occasion that I go through a night without remembering something. I have even had a few Lucid Dreams that I can recall, though I didn't know it was called that at the time. I remember asking my mom when i was younger "Have you ever had a dream that you just figured out you were dreaming somehow and then did all kinds of fun stuff?" Her reply was "No, I don't dream" heh... I've tried to convince her that she just doesn't remember it but to no avail. Oh well. Anyhow... I've always been interested in dreams and such and have read on it before but roughly a week ago something happened that really sparked my interest. I went to sleep one night and had a dream. It was a nice dream but I woke up after maybe 10 minutes. Once I awoke I had the usual "Oh great and just when it was getting good" and went back to sleep. Well it continued from where it had left off. Not a huge deal as I've done this before... however... I woke up at least three more times that I can remember and it still kept going. Most of these were like 2-3 minute awakenings, but one I actually got out of bed and proceeded to the kitchen and ate some donuts(and I did not dream this, unless someone snuck in my house and stole the exact same donuts I thought I ate... and left the ones I didn't eat >_>) this was like a 15 minute awakening and it STILL picked up. Well this really sparked my interest in the topic and I did a ton of research. Eventually all that research led me here. I am super interested in all this now, and I have been keeping a Dream Journal for 3 nights now. First night I almost wore my hand out I remembered everything so well. Day two I only managed to remember.... quite possibly one of the weirdest fragments in a while. I was trying to build a musical instrument out of fuses like you would find in your cars fuse box.... I was alone whilst preforming this odd task, which was kind of amusing considering I had decided I would preform a reality check the very next time I spoke to anyone! Then last night I had a bout of insomnia, which I am prone to, It basically screwed everything up and at first I didn't remember anything... Then I remembered reading trying to just think randomly and maybe something will strike you. Well the phrase "Yard Sale" and a person I know IRL both seemed to spark vague feelings so I wrote it down. Right now I'm just doing a lot of reality checks and writing down anything I can remember. I kinda had a small success yesterday as far as reality checking. I was in a department store walking down an aisle and there was this snake plant just kind of there. I was like "Huh" and started to walk by it... then I went "Hey wait a minute that isn't right" and did an RC... well unfortunatly it WAS right... stupid misplaced plant haha. At least I remembered to do a RC when something odd occurred. Actually, and I am gonna jump topic here... which I do a lot -.-; on the topic of sleep, I actually had a really serious bout of insomnia about 7 months ago. It was so bad I eventually had a polysomnogram done. I wish I knew where those results were at the moment... Heh the doctors couldn't explain it, it was one of those "We've never seen anything like it" I don't actually remember what it was that was so odd, save that I awoke roughly 75 times in a 6 hour span (2-3 seconds each time) though that could be because they made me lay on my back which I never do. Maybe I'll look for it in a bit. Anyhow I have made a long spiel, if you have read it all then thanks for listening to me rant >_> So here I am, and I am glad to be here. Nice to meet you all!
      ~Follow your dreams~ ~Never give up~ ~No matter what anyone says~
      Favorite Lucid Dreams : August 1st, 2006 (10 minutes), September 10, 2006 (8 Minutes)

    2. #2
      Crazy Cat Lady Burns's Avatar
      Join Date
      Aug 2004
      Welcome to the forum!

      It sounds like you're doing all the right things already - keeping a dream journal is very important.

      Please let us know if you have any questions. Good luck and have fun!

    3. #3
      Trying to be helpful Leixor's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jul 2006
      Hey, thanks. Yeah I am seriously determined on this. Usually when I set my mind to something I get it done, barring cirumstances beyond my own control. Considering that this is my own mind and all, unless a meteor comes down and gets me, it's pretty much all me. My big thing to overcome is impatience. I am unfortunatly the type of person that is like "I want what I want and I want it NOW". Well I can't obviously expect this to happen overnight, but one can wish eh. Maybe as a side effect of all this I'll learn to be more patient... haha BONUS
      ~Follow your dreams~ ~Never give up~ ~No matter what anyone says~
      Favorite Lucid Dreams : August 1st, 2006 (10 minutes), September 10, 2006 (8 Minutes)


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