
Slightly cheecky as a new person to be posting about this, but i'm trying to spread the message far and wide.

I'm looking to start a website exploring the link between biology and
shamanic dreamstate - the link between tryptophan-based hallucinogens
(pinoline, melatonin, harmine/telepathine, natural DMT) and varying
states and experiences of dreaming.

I was wondering if there's anyone around that this sort of subject
strongly appeals to, people who might be interested in submiting
articles for the site and especially anyone who would like to help
design and build the site - technical expertise always needed.

I'm aiming for something strongly based on research, philosophy,
anthropology and experimentation.

Please feel free to drop me a personal e-mail: [email protected]
if you're interested.

I've also set up a temporary egroup for people who would like to get
involved: http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/pinea/

Best wishes,
