What ho chaps! I like this forum cos you guys aren't stuffy like a lot of other dream sites I've been to. I'm a pretty deep chick who dreams an awful lot. I sleep a lot too. Deep tho I may be I'm not stuffy. A lot of weird stuff has happened to me all my life but I'm not going to start thinking in Latin. I like to have fun in the midst of this amazing universe. Sometimes my dream states scare the bejeezus out of me, even when I'm awake and have to go the loo.
So what else...um, I'm a singer/songwriter ( I hate that term but it's the only one that fits). Check out some my tunes on www.myspace.com/pennynixon . Do pop by to say hi!
My dreams give me a lot of songs. I'm not an adept at lucid dreaming. I've had number but haven't really progressed past the, "Oh shit I'm dreaming and this is too weird! Shit Shit!!" stage but I'm trying my best. If only I could remember all the good advice when I'm in that state.
Same with oobe's although I can actually control them slightly better. I emphasize slightly.
Saw a cool thing on www.consciousmedianetwork.com Check out Hazel Courteney.
Anyhoo Hello!!!