hello everyone, let me start off by saying something about myself

If you haven't noticed by my name I am a total politics junky (especially political theory). Most of the message boards I join are for political discussion, tis' this reason why my name is out of place in this forum.

nevertheless, the reason why I joined is because there is a question in which I am searching for an answer. About five or so times when I was young (7-10 years old), I would wake up in the middle of the night and I would imagine these squares to be racing from the celling downwards at me. Even though I was awake and I knew these boxes weren't real when I would look up I still saw them. If I turned away and didn't look up, I would still imagine them, almost as if I could feel them crashing upon me from up above. This sensation would last anywhere from one to five minutes.

Is there a name for such a phenomena?

thank you