• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Apr 2004

      Hello everyone, I'm new!

      Hello everyone.

      I've been reading this site since I found it yesterday. I was reading about how sleep works on www.howstuffworks.com and found a link to this site. I'm amazed. I've had random and brief lucid experiences, but didn't even know what to call them until now. Now I want more. I'm not in a huge rush since I understand that it requires patience, practice, and skill. I'm confident I can reach the abilities I'd like to have, in time.

      I actually haven't put a lot of thought into dreams in a long time. I have had occasional vivid dreams, but I forget them so fast, they become uninteresting to me. I even stopped realizing just how vivid the dream world is, and considered it much more random and scattered clips of visualizations, feelings, sound, and ideas. Brief and blurry.

      However, last night after reading this site and reading posts on this forum, I decided to start with my dream recall practice. I went to bed about an hour later than usual, which only allowed me 7 hours of sleep. I didn't really do this intentionally, but I think it helped me recall my dreams. Maybe not, we'll see. Anyways, I went to sleep repeating, "I will remember my dreams when I wake up" over and over. I don't know how long it lasted, but I was doing it for as long as I could.

      When I woke up this morning, I could remember my dream(s). I think I remembered 2, and I think I remember waking after the first, but falling asleep into the second. Regardless, I rememebered a lot of the second, and a little of the first when I awoke. For a second I reflected on it, then suddenly I remembered how important it was to write them down. So I did. It's fantastic. I remember them pretty well even now, nearly 10 hours later. More importantly than remembering the content and its order, I remember how REAL it all seemed to me at the time of dreaming. Until today, I never realized how vivid and real the dream world really is. If I could have gone lucid and told myself I was dreaming, it would have seemed exactly like reality if I could go as far as to say so.

      So, now I'm completely excited about learning this skill. I look forward to some fun times with it, and some serious learning and growth.

      Now, I do have one question for all of you. How do you deal with the disappointment of waking into the real world after an incredible lucid dream? All of the wonderful things you have or use or experience in the dream are all lost once you awaken. That is, unless you can WILD whenever you want.

      Happy dreaming.

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Dec 2003
      I like to extend a warm welcome to you NeoKast. I think its great that you already understand most of the fundementals in regards to attaining Lucid Dreaming. You have the cofidence and the patience which to me are the two most important factors. All I can say is you're going to fit right in and now it's time to get you fully unplugged.

      Originally posted by NeoKast
      Now, I do have one question for all of you. How do you deal with the disappointment of waking into the real world after an incredible lucid dream? All of the wonderful things you have or use or experience in the dream are all lost once you awaken. That is, unless you can WILD whenever you want.
      Well Im sure everyone deals with this in a different matter or some sort, but this is pretty much what I do under those circumstances. Usually I will try to remember every bit of detail from that dream that I can possibly think of. Thats usually not to hard anyway if it's a dream that Im really really fond of. And I try to capture scenes, settings, and anything else that has intrigued me and I will always think of it the entire day and later that night I just revisit the dream, usually I can get it down to the science where I will pick up where I left off. Sometimes Im just in the same area but a few things are different but it all depends on how much information that I picked up from it. See ya around!

    3. #3
      Member Alaurast78's Avatar
      Join Date
      Mar 2004
      Somewhere between here & there...
      Welcome to Dream Views NeoKast!!! I also found this site through www.howstuffworks.com. I am happy to see you are so excited about becoming lucid and dream recall. You are well on your way to becoming lucid... because desire in my opinion is half the battle! We're glad to have you here.

      As for your question.... well I can't WILD at will but how I deal with waking to real life after a wonderful LD....hehe never really thought about it. Only once do I remember waking from an LD and being disappointed it was not real. I tried to get back to that dream with no luck... so I just hold it as a really fabulous memory! I look forward to the next time I am dreaming and not dwell on the fact that my deepest dream desires may not be true in real life. Life in our dreams is what we want it.... at least that is the goal! Our deepest desires can come true in our dream land and that in it self is something to be really grateful for. Anyway i am rambling.... welcome to DV!!!!

      Raised By Seeker!!!

    4. #4
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      Here comew the bananas!

      Okay... anyway... ummm.. welcome. I've only had one dream that I woke up, realized it wa a dream, and became dissapointed. I forget, but I think it had something to do with sex, not sure....

    5. #5
      He will have his revenge Aphius's Avatar
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      Oct 2003
      Halloween Town
      Welcome to the Dream Views Forum NeoKast! :aphiusisonecrazySOB:

      When I wake up from a lucid dream I don't feel dissapointed, I feel that I was able to touch something great and bring the memory back with me. That isn't dissapointing at all because I know I'll be able to go back there.
      These are the tears that I dream about...

    6. #6
      Join Date
      Apr 2004
      True, I suppose it wouldn't be that disappointing. The times I'm thinking of are when I don't realize that I'm dreaming, and think all these wonderful things I'm dreaming about are real. Then, when I wake, I feel a loss. Being in control may prevent that feeling.

      Last night I went to bed too tired to even repeat "I will remember my dreams when I wake up" more than 10 times. I don't even think I did it more than 6 or 7 times. I think it had an affect on my dream recall too. When I first awoke this morning, I remembered a tiny bit of a dream, but was so tired I decided that little tiny bit wasn't worth remembering and snoozed. It's a pretty drastic difference compared to yesterday. I remembered one or two dreams then. Tonight I'll try to lay down early and prepare for a good night of dreaming and try to remember more in the morning.

    7. #7
      Generic lucid dreamer Seeker's Avatar
      Join Date
      Oct 2003

      Re: Hello everyone, I'm new!

      Originally posted by NeoKast
      Now, I do have one question for all of you. How do you deal with the disappointment of waking into the real world after an incredible lucid dream?

      First Welcome!

      Now as to your question. I deal with it by looking forward to the next night of adventure!
      you must be the change you wish to see in the world...


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