Ok, so I have had one lucid dream before, and it was during a nap on my couch. I thought I woke up but just to be sure I did a nose pinch RC and I found that I could breathe in. So I got up off the couch and started walking towards the door to the room but I ended up losing control and waking up.

Since then I have continued to try lucid dreaming, with varied results. I never have gotten another lucid dream or made any progress, until recently. I've been waking up and doing nose RCs and they work maybe two or three times a week, however now, whenever they work I feel like the first lucid dream felt, except I can't see anything and I can't get up out of my bed. Also, if I try really hard to get up or move I end up waking myself up.

At first I thought I might just be waking up during sleep paralysis and that the reality checks were somehow not working properly, possibly because my upper airways aren't the greatest due to allergies. Anyway, I thought this is what was happening, however last night I had a successful RC and I was lying on my bed but in a completely different position and when tried too hard to move, I woke up on the other side of the bed and rotated 180 degrees, in my normal sleeping position.

So it seems I am finding some middle ground between dreaming and lucid dreaming and I can't quite make it to lucidity. Does this sound familiar to anyone? And if so, do you have an idea of how to fix this? Thanks.