• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      May 2007

      Question I may have had my first two lucid dreams on my first try, and I can't even renember it!

      I'm probably wrong, but I may have had my first lucid dream (since I read this site, I had another one 3 months a go), or my first two lucid dreams on my first go! Last night, I woke up twice in the middle of the night, which is pretty rare for me, as I am a very sound sleeper. What leads me to believe I might have a lucid dream was the mood I woke up with at 2 and 3-5 am in the morning? Instead of feeling the usual frustration that normally comes with such an early wake, I felt wildly excited.
      Now, I have not practiced my dream recall at all, (by the way, I did recall two short (20-30 second) segments of what I believe was the same dream), so if I did have a lucid dream, I certainly don't remember it. Yet, however, the prospect that I may have had one is certainly exciting, considering the fact that I usually only have a lucid dream once, maybe twice every three months, most of which I either wake up instantly or barely have any control in (one in particular in which I was flying, I could go through walls, shoot beams through my hands, ect., yet when I realized it was a dream all I could do was walk. I tried several times to walk through the wall unsuccessfully or jump lol).
      So, tell me what you think, did I have my first lucid dream tonight?
      Last edited by spongelogan; 05-16-2007 at 08:53 PM.

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Jan 2007
      Hey, welcome to the forums, personally i think you need to sit down and have a hard think, you need more details about your dreams, the feeling of being excited and awake is not enough, its possible you had one but more information is required, find a quiet place, sit down and focus your thoughts towards any details, any dream and work from there, its certainly possible you had one but didn't remember any details when waking. Hope that helped.

    3. #3
      Join Date
      May 2007
      Thanks, now that I reread it, I feel pretty stupid. It's just the idea of having a lucid dream is extreamly exciting. It just seemed so strange, considering the rough mood I fell asleep in, and everything. Plus, I didn't keep a dream journal considering I am still in school and I have to wake up at 6 every day to try to make the bus. So, I have no time for a dream journal during the week days, so I have no way to truely reflect and think about it. Mainly, because I had slept through my alarm, and had 10 minutes to get on the bus and take a shower, so I didn't have a second to think about it. I didn't renember my dream till the bus ride.


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