Hi everyone, just found the site and skimmed through a good portion of the information. Didn't have to read all of it in detail since a lot of it I have read in other places in the past.

I guess I'll introduce myself first, my name is Corbin and I'm a student at DeVry University, taking all my classes online. I have previously read about and attempted to lucid dream on several occations but have never been able to keep up with a dream journal for more than about a week. I also never had a forum with others to talk with either, so I've decided that this might be help me to stay on task since I am very interested in the subject.

One reason I am so interested is because I used to lucid dream as a child almost every single night. Sorry if I'm a little long winded, but I might as well describe my lucid history right here. There are two seperate lucid instances I remember from my childhood. The funny thing is that I have a pretty bad memory and only really remember bits and peices from my childhood but these two instances are still vivid in my mind to this day:

The first instance is from when I was very young. I used to have a nightmare very regularly. It was the same nightmare and it happended over and over again. I was in my house upstairs and although I never saw it I knew there was some sort of dragon/monster/creature of some sort downstairs. There were all sorts of little animals there with me and they were all scared. In all the times I had the dream I never once went downstairs to see, it was too terrifying (I had to have been probably like 5 at the time, although I think it went on for a couple years). Every single time I had this dream I knew I was dreaming but I could not wake up and it was terrifying.

The second instance happended as I got slightly older. It was sometime around elementary school and it was for a good portion of my childhood until I got slightly older. What happend was that I used to be able to see anyone in my dreams I wanted to. At the time I had a crush on a girl at my school so of course I always wanted to see her in my dreams. What I would do to make this happen was that I would simply knock on a door and someone would answer, I would ask "If Katie was home" and she would come to the door. The funny thing is that I eventually learned that it didn't even need to be a door to a house, and had different occurances of this that I can't remember except one involving knocking on a coffin I think.

Aside from these two instances there were also several other small occurances around this point in my life that I would simply just know I was dreaming, and I also remember just thinking it was quite normal at the time since I was a child. I remember trying to explain the "door knocking" phenomenon to my friends, telling them that they could do it to, but they were never able to.

As I got older these simply went away. And it wasn't until some time later that I began researching lucid dreams and become aware that my childhood was full of them.

Lately I have been having pretty interesting and vivid dreams and have decided to give lucid dreaming another try. Sorry if that was a little long, but I'm off to set up a dream journal and then to bed and the wonderful world of dreams, goodnight all.
