I have just recently joined these forums and I myself have begun to
delve into the wonders of lucid dreaming. Now that I've made the usual
introduction probably heard 100 times a day on here, I'll get to the point now:

dream recall, one of the main necessary skills for lucid dreaming, I think
I have had on a partial level. I'm still not very sure whether I had it to
begin with or what but I do know that I will try to develop the skill if need
be. Here's how I think I have it to begin with (even if only partial right now) :

1. This may sound confusing, but my dreams don't make sense and do
make sense at the same time. Like for example, the dream can take
total random things that I do recognize and put them to a theme that doesn't follow anything. All in all though, the whole theme going on just
doesn't make sense since it mixes up things that don't go together.

2. Even though the dreams are random and don't follow anything, I can
sometimes recall every senseless moment completely or maybe just a certain scene (if you want to call it that) in the dream. Just as of last night I was able to realize something was going on in reality even though I was
still dreaming. It was almost as if my mind had separated and forgot about
the dream yet didn't completely forget about it. (if that makes any sense)

Now, here's my questions. Can this be considered true dream recall? And, if possible, is there any way for me to be able to make a 'more organized' dream?