I tried to learn Lucid Dreaming for about 6 days last month but then I gave up. However, yesterday iI had the most coolest thing happen ever. I was in an intense carchase with guns and everything (I was the chaser) when the criminals running away stopped at a hotel. They ran into the hotel and locked themselves in. I pulled up in the hotel and suddenly I realized that I was dreaming (If anyone can explain why, I would be thankful). But the wierd thing is I didn't do any of the techniques that this site described, it just happened out of the blue. Anyways, as soon as I learned I was dreaming the criminals began shooting at me. So i decided to fly off and WOW!!! It was so real! I just flew straight up incredibly fast (everything around me was blurry)! After I landed I had a false awakening and the dream ended I just had to share this incredible experience. Now I will definitley try to learn lucid dreaming again.