Hey everyone

Hope your LDing journey is going good..

For those who have yet to have an LD and are working on Dream Recall..I thought I would share a story with you, specially if you are having trouble remembering your dreams..

I've been LDing for 2 years and have had about 115 LD's (that I can remember) I know I have had more, probably around like 140 or something..But I cant recall lol..

Anyways when I kept a Dream Journal and did Reality checks through out the day (this was a year and a half ago about) One night I had about 10 dreams...I woke up the next morning after all of them and remember 9 outta 10 dreams--in detail--and wrote them down in my dream journal...

The strange thing was, is that my head the rest of the day felt really weird, like i had never felt that feeling before..I think it was because my Sub Concious mind went on such a long adventure through all those dreams that it was just tired and worn out..

But for those who are having trouble remembering your dreams.. here are a few tips..

1.) Just remember that each and everyone on this planet dreams..So when you are out and about, just observe the people around you and tell yourself inside your head.. "You know, when they lay down tonight they are going to dream.." You can even go the next step and wonder what their dreams are about...

2.) Just know, YOURSELF, each and everynight when you lay down you will dream..and look forward to that and enjoy it...Enjoy the places your imagination creates and takes you..

3.)Just know that all your hardwork and sleep/dreams will pay off with 2 great words.. "I'M DREAMING!!!"

hope this helps
