Ok,hello everyone.Im new.

I want to know if what i've been doing for most of my life is lucid dreaming or not.

Normally i would go to bed,and try to sleep,while trying to sleep i will constantly keep thinking of things. Soon i will find that my mind is awake while my body is asleep... (if that makes sense) If i panic i would wake up to find that i am "paralysed". If i stay clam i am able to "daydream" meaning whatever I think of will actually happen. If I want to be in school, i will realise that im already there....(that kind of thing).... however when im in these "dreams" im mostly watching myself.... and sometimes i switch between vewing myself and being myself... In most of my dreams I KNOW im dreaming...

is this considered lucid dreaming?

Oh yeah i also have dreams where i fall asleep in the dream...and actually start dreaming within a dream....