I've read on the topic of lucid dreaming before and have attempted, but failed on many occasions months ago. The other night I accidentally had some sort of experience. I was really tired, laying in bed meditating before sleep like I usually do. I began to notice that I felt very strange and was having a hard time controlling my movements and had tiny spastic fits in my feet and hands. I realized I was falling asleep and aware of it. I also realized if I was aware that I was falling asleep I'd be able to have a lucid dream. I became afraid, for no apparent reason, thinking of having a bad dream. I was so afraid I woke myself up(this happened several more times). Still feeling a little afraid, I continued to meditate and drift back to sleep, still aware. I then noticed I had no control of my body at all, but was aware of the movements I was making involuntarily(I.E breathing, knees bending, even rolling over at one point). I could even hear what was going on outside my room (I.E my brother waking up for school, cars outside). I noticed that if I tried to say something I would only mumble it and that my eyes felt like they were flickering. I was then able to move again, but things were very hazy. I had a suspicion that I was dreaming, and after performing a reality check I knew I was. I was then again consumed by fear and closed my eyes and continued to meditate until, there was a gap of time after I don't remember, and woke up as if everything had just happened a minute ago, but in reality happened hours ago.

I wasn't actually able to have a lucid dream ,except for when I believe I had a false awakening. I heard the term sleep paralysis and I'm sure that's what I was experiencing the majority for what I can recall. I believe I've found a routine for myself to have a lucid dream, but I have some questions.

Am I correct on what I believe my experience was?
If so:
How can I calm myself down and not be fearful while in SP?
How can I transition from SP into a LD?